Why I became a Yoga Instructor & Mindfulness Coach

Some nights are rough. Scratch that, some mornings are too. All too frequently it seems like every inch of my body’s at war with me, from my head all the way down to my toes. The pain is relentless, the tingling sensation unyielding. Sleep often eludes me as I toss and turn, trying desperately to find a position that offers even a modicum of relief. It’s not just a battle of physical discomfort, but also the looming specter of panic that threatens to overwhelm me.

You see, I’ve been living with Fibromyalgia for years. At first, the diagnosis on September 29, 2020 felt like a crushing blow. I was in denial, hoping for a quick fix that never came. Months of tests, doctor’s appointments, and various treatments followed, each offering little respite from the chronic pain that had become my constant companion.

But through it all, I’ve learned something profound. Fibromyalgia has been my teacher, showing me the power of acceptance and patience. It’s forced me to acknowledge my body’s limits and to respect them, even when it means letting go of the things I once took for granted. No longer do I push myself to the brink, knowing that the consequences will only compound my suffering.

In addition to Fibromyalgia, I’ve been diagnosed with degenerative disc disease, foraminal stenosis, bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome, straightening of the cervical lordosis, severe depression, and anxiety. It’s a laundry list of ailments that would be daunting to anyone, but I refuse to let them define me. Each day brings its own challenges, its own hurdles to overcome. Plans are made tentatively, knowing that a flare-up could strike at any moment.

And yet, despite the pain, despite the uncertainty, I choose to find joy in the small moments. I refuse to let my conditions dictate my outlook on life. My rheumatologist once remarked on my positive attitude, but for me, it’s a conscious choice. I’d rather spread smiles than burden others with my suffering.

But my journey doesn’t end with pain and illness. I’m also an empath with a keen sense of compassion shaping my worldview. What some might see as curses, I’ve come to embrace as gifts, sources of strength and understanding in a world that can often seem dark and unforgiving.

And then there’s yoga. Yoga has been my salvation, offering solace when traditional treatments fall short. It’s not just a form of exercise for me; it’s a lifeline, a means of managing my pain and reclaiming control over my body. So much so that I became a certified yoga instructor and mindfulness coach, eager to share the power of healing with others.

All of the above has been a testament to the resilience of the human spirit that even in the face of such upheaval, I refuse to lose hope. Life goes on, full of twists and turns, but with the right mindset, we can weather any storm.

So here I am, a yoga instructor and mindfulness coach, offering healing energy to those in need and living each day with love and light in my heart. My journey has been one of pain and struggle, but also of growth and empowerment. I may have Fibromyalgia, but it doesn’t have me. I may face challenges, but I refuse to let them defeat me.

Life is what we make it, and I choose to make mine a beacon of hope and resilience in a world that sometimes feels overwhelming. And through it all, I remain steadfast in my belief that no matter how dark the night may seem, dawn will always break, bringing with it the promise of a new day.                                                                         


Namaste! 🙏✨

With love and gratitude,

Your guide through realms and asanas…. ~ Sheila ❤️

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