Wellness with Sheila! Virtual appointments are available!

Discover tranquility and renewal with tailored sessions: Restorative Yoga & Mindfulness Coaching: Starting at $35.

Meditation: Beginning at $25.

Pranayama Practice: Commencing at $25.

Experience profound relaxation and inner balance. Contact me to book your private session now! Virtual appointments are available!

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Embracing the Power of Silence

Taking a pause from our busy lives is essential for our overall well-being. In our fast-paced world, we often glorify busyness, but it’s crucial to recognize the power of slowing down. Here are five reasons why periodically stopping for a day of rest is so important:

  1. Reducing Stress: When we’re constantly on the go, stress levels soar. Taking a day to pause allows our bodies and minds to relax. It’s like hitting the reset button, allowing tension to slip away and promoting a sense of calm1.
  2. Enhancing Mental Clarity: Amid the noise and distractions, our minds can become cluttered. Quiet time provides mental clarity. Think of it as giving your brain a vacation. When you return to work, you’ll show up with renewed energy and focus1.
  3. Boosting Creativity: Silence sparks creativity. When our minds wander in quiet moments, we dream up innovative ideas. It’s akin to planting a seed and nurturing it, watching it grow into something remarkable1.
  4. Emotional Regulation: Pausing gives us a chance to catch our breath and understand our feelings. It’s an opportunity to check in with ourselves, leading to emotional balance and self-awareness1.
  5. Increasing Self-Awareness: In quiet moments, we learn more about ourselves. Listening to our thoughts when the world goes silent reveals insights about who we truly are and our place in the world1.

So, let’s embrace the power of silence. Find pockets of peace, recharge, and reconnect with yourself. Remember, it’s not about isolation; it’s about nurturing your well-being. Take that day of rest—you deserve it! 🌟12.

Namaste and be well! Always with love….

~ Sheila ❣️

From Stumbles to Graceful Turns

Life, my dear friends, is a whimsical waltz. It’s a dance where we sway between clumsy spills and elegant twirls. With each misstep, we learn to find joy in the rhythm of existence.

Remember those moments when you tripped over your own shoelaces or stumbled on the sidewalk? Those were just the opening notes of your unique melody. Embrace them!

As the music plays, let’s celebrate the laughter that echoes through our days. It’s the sweetest tune, harmonizing with the beat of our hearts.

And love—oh, love! It’s the partner who never misses a step. Whether slow or fast, it holds us close, guiding us through life’s intricate choreography.

So, my fellow dancers, raise your glasses to the dance of existence! Let’s twirl, spin, and pirouette through every chapter. And when we stumble, let’s laugh, brush off the dust, and keep dancing.

May your waltz be filled with joy, love, and the magic of being alive.

Stay blessed! ~ Sheila ❣️

Embracing Light in the Darkness: A Message of Hope and Connection

In the quiet corners of our hearts, where shadows linger and pain takes root, there exists a battle that often goes unseen. It’s a battle against severe depression and anxiety, two relentless foes that can shroud even the brightest souls in darkness. But within this struggle lies a glimmer of hope—a lifeline that can pull us back from the precipice.

Severe depression, known clinically as major depressive disorder (MDD), isn’t a mere sadness; it’s a tempest that engulfs our minds and hearts. The weight of existence becomes unbearable, and thoughts of escape whisper relentlessly. Yet, dear friends, you are not alone. Amidst the storm, there are hands reaching out, waiting to hold yours.

Anxiety, that relentless companion, tightens its grip. It whispers fears, magnifies uncertainties, and paints the world in shades of dread. But listen closely: you are not defined by your anxiety. Seek solace in the arms of understanding souls who will listen without judgment. They are the lighthouses guiding you through treacherous waters.

Suicide prevention is not just a hotline; it’s a lifeline. When the darkness threatens to consume, remember: you matter. Reach out to those who care—friends, family, or professionals. Dial the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline1 or call 911 in life-threatening moments. Let their words weave a safety net beneath you.

And now, let’s talk about the power of vulnerability. Opening up to loved ones is both an act of courage and an embrace of healing. When you share your pain, you invite empathy, understanding, and connection. Your struggles become shared burdens, lighter when carried together. So, sit with a friend, a cup of tea between you, and say, “I need to talk.”

Remember, dear hearts, you are not a burden. Your pain is valid, your story worth telling. Let your loved ones be your anchors—they’ll listen, hold space, and remind you that you’re not alone. In their eyes, you’ll find reflections of resilience and love.

Together, we can illuminate the darkest corners. Let’s weave a tapestry of compassion, where threads of vulnerability bind us. Reach out, listen, and hold on. Life’s storms may rage, but you are not adrift. You are seen, heard, and cherished.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Call or text 988 (para ayuda en español, llame al 988)1.

#BeThe1To reach out. You are never alone. 🌟

With Love and Light,

~ Sheila ❣️

The Songbird of Sunflower Hollow

(short story by Sheila Renee Broadway)

In the heart of Sunflower Hollow, where the meadows danced with golden blooms and the breeze whispered secrets to the ancient oaks, there lived a Bohemian woman named Luna. Her spirit was as wild as the untamed river that wound through the valley, and her laughter echoed like wind chimes in the morning sun.

Luna wore skirts made of patchwork fabric, each square telling a story of distant lands and forgotten dreams. Her hair flowed like a river of midnight, adorned with feathers, beads, and tiny bells that tinkled when she twirled. Her eyes held the wisdom of centuries, and her smile promised magic.

Every morning, Luna would step out of her cozy caravan, barefoot and humming a tune only she knew. The villagers would gather, their faces weary from toil and worry, waiting for her arrival. They called her the Songbird of Sunflower Hollow, for her melodies were like medicine for their souls.

Her voice was a blend of sunshine and moonlight, weaving through the air like threads of stardust. As she sang, the flowers leaned in closer, their petals unfurling to catch every note. The bees paused mid-flight, and the leaves rustled in approval. Even the old oak trees swayed, their gnarled branches reaching for the sky.

But it wasn’t just the beauty of her voice that enchanted the villagers. It was the magical messages hidden within her lyrics. Luna sang of hope, resilience, and love. Her words carried healing, lifting burdens from weary shoulders. She sang of lost dreams rediscovered, of broken hearts mended, and of the infinite possibilities that danced on the edge of reality.

One day, a young blacksmith named Elias approached Luna. His hands were calloused, his eyes haunted by memories of war. He had lost his way, drowning in the darkness of his past. Luna smiled at him, her eyes twinkling.

“Ya feelin’ my vibe?” she asked, her voice like a gentle breeze. “Let’s keep the love alive.”

And then she sang.

Her melody wrapped around Elias, cocooning him in warmth. The lyrics whispered secrets to his heart, unraveling the knots of pain. He wept, not from sorrow, but from the sheer beauty of it all. Luna’s song reminded him that life was more than battles fought and scars earned. It was about love, connection, and the magic that thrived in the quiet corners of existence.

From that day on, Elias followed Luna wherever she went. He became her loyal companion, carrying her guitar and spreading her message of love. Together, they wandered through meadows and over hills, touching lives with their music. Luna’s magical songs mended broken families, ignited dormant passions, and even coaxed rain during droughts.

As the seasons changed, so did Luna’s songs. In spring, she sang of rebirth and new beginnings. In summer, her melodies celebrated the sun-kissed days. Autumn brought ballads of letting go, and winter cradled the promise of warmth to come.

And always, her motto echoed through the valley: “Ya feelin’ my vibe? Let’s keep the love alive.”

Luna never aged. Some said she was a spirit, a guardian of Sunflower Hollow. Others believed she was a wandering muse, gifted to those who needed her most. But everyone agreed that her songs were a bridge between worlds—a reminder that magic existed, even in the simplest of moments.

And so, the Songbird of Sunflower Hollow continued her journey, her bare feet leaving imprints in the dew-kissed grass. She sang to the stars, to the moon, and to the hearts of all who listened. For as long as Luna’s melody lingered, hope bloomed, and love remained eternal.

And so it was, in the heart of Sunflower Hollow, that the Bohemian woman danced with the wind, her voice carrying the whispers of the universe:

“Ya feelin’ my vibe? Let’s keep the love alive.”

And they did. 

(The Songbird of Sunflower Hollow ~ written by Sheila Renee Broadway)

Becoming a Certified Positive Psychology Coach!

Hi everyone! Wanted to share some exciting news…. I just enrolled in the journey to become a Certified Positive Psychology Coach (PPC)!

Positive psychology coaching is more than just a profession; it’s a transformative path. As a PPC, I’ll help clients enhance their well-being, tap into strengths, and achieve meaningful goals. Guided by science, I’ll illuminate the best methods for development, fostering positivity and resilience.

Excited to empower others on their uplifting voyage!

Life is a blessing and we should all take every opportunity to make the very best of each moment!

With much love and light, your guide through realms and asanas!

Namaste ~ Sheila 🙏 ❣️

Shine Bright Like a Disco Ball 😊

Hey you, yes, you!  Let’s have a little heart-to-heart. You’re like a rare unicorn in a world full of regular horses.  Your awesomeness level? Off the charts! Seriously, if awesomeness were currency, you’d be a billionaire.

Remember, you’re not just a human; you’re a cosmic swirl of stardust, a walking constellation.  Your self-worth? Priceless! Even Jeff Bezos can’t Amazon Prime that to his doorstep.

Life can be bananas sometimes, but you? You’re the top banana!  You’ve got more sparkle than a glitter factory explosion. So, chin up, buttercup!

And love? Oh, honey, you’ve got more love in your pinky finger than a Care Bear on Valentine’s Day. Spread it like confetti!

So, go forth, my radiant sunbeam! Embrace your quirks, dance like nobody’s watching (except maybe your cat), and remember: You’re not just a star; you’re the whole dang galaxy! 😉

Stay blessed, everyone!!

~ Sheila ❣️

Wellness: Mind, Body & Soul

Holistic health isn’t just a trend; it’s a lifestyle that harmonizes the mind, body, and soul, offering a well-rounded approach to well-being. Unlike traditional health concepts focusing solely on physical health, holistic health embraces the complexity of humans as multi-dimensional beings. Let’s delve into the seamless integration of these three components and their collective impact on overall health.

Mind: Our thoughts, emotions, and mental well-being are deeply intertwined with our physical health. Chronic stress, for instance, can lead to physical ailments like hypertension. Conversely, physical exercise not only strengthens the body but also improves mental health by reducing anxiety and depression. Mindfulness practices and continuous learning cater to the mental aspect.

Body: A balanced diet and regular exercise take care of the physical dimension. But wellness extends beyond mere physical fitness. It’s about recognizing that well-being encompasses far more than physical health alone. A healthy body keeps you well and active.

Soul: Often overlooked, soul wellness is crucial for inner peace and harmony. It involves connecting with your inner self and the world in a meaningful way. Activities like yoga, meditation, and journaling help in self-reflection, understanding emotions, and finding inner peace. Cultivating soul wellness is about finding activities that resonate with your inner self and bring tranquility and contentment.

Balancing these elements is key to achieving a state of harmony and overall well-being. Remember, wellness is a dynamic process—a daily choice to lead a more harmonious existence. So, nurture your mind, strengthen your body, and connect with your soul.

Namaste! 🙏✨

With love and gratitude,

Your guide through realms and asanas…. ~ Sheila ❤️

Guided Meditation: A Journey Within

Here’s something simple that can be done with loved ones to help soothe the mind, body and spirit. 🙏

Meditation is more than just sitting cross-legged and closing your eyes. It’s an exploration of your inner landscape, a journey toward tranquility and self-awareness. As a meditation facilitator, your role is akin to that of a conductor, orchestrating a symphony of stillness and mindfulness.

Essential Qualities of an Effective Guided Meditation Leader

  1. Preparation: Like preparing for a speech, know your content well. Practice reading your script aloud to ensure confidence and clarity1.
  2. Setting the Stage: Create a serene environment. Dim the lights, play soft music, and encourage participants to settle comfortably.
  3. Voice and Tone: Speak slowly and soothingly. Your voice should be a gentle guide, leading them deeper into their consciousness.
  4. Imagery: Paint vivid mental pictures. Describe a tranquil forest, a sun-kissed beach, or a starlit sky. Let their minds wander.
  5. Breath Awareness: Guide them to focus on their breath. Inhale peace, exhale tension. Repeat.
  6. Body Scan: Gradually shift attention from head to toe. Relax each muscle group.
  7. Intention Setting: Invite participants to set an intention for their practice. What do they seek? Clarity? Healing? Inner peace?
  8. Silence: Allow moments of silence. Let thoughts settle like sediment in a calm pond.
  9. Affirmations: Share positive affirmations. “I am calm.” “I am centered.”
  10. Closure: Gently bring them back. Thank them for joining this shared voyage.

Remember, it’s not just about the destination; it’s the experiences gathered along the way. So, embark on this journey with joy and compassion, knowing that you’re facilitating healing and peace for others1.

May your meditation sessions be filled with serenity and transformation! 🙏

With Love & Light,

~ Sheila ❣️

The Journey of Aesop

(short story by Sheila Renee Broadway)

Once upon a time, in a quaint little town nestled between rolling hills, there lived an old turtle named Aesop. Aesop was no ordinary turtle; he had seen countless seasons come and go, and his shell bore the intricate patterns of wisdom etched by time. His eyes held stories of distant lands, and his slow, deliberate movements spoke of patience and resilience.

One sunny morning, Aesop decided to embark on a journey. The road stretched before him, a ribbon of asphalt cutting through the lush green countryside. His goal was simple: to reach the other side. But for a turtle, even the simplest tasks took time.

As Aesop inched his way across the road, cars whizzed past him. Their tires screeched, and their engines roared, but Aesop remained undeterred. He had learned that life was not a race; it was a journey—one step at a time.

The drivers, however, were not as patient. They honked their horns, their faces etched with frustration. Some swerved dangerously close to Aesop, missing him by mere inches. But the old turtle pressed on, his wrinkled neck stretching forward, each movement deliberate.

Among the impatient drivers was a young woman named Lily. She was always in a hurry, her mind racing faster than her car. But on that fateful day, something changed. As she approached Aesop, she noticed his determined crawl. His eyes met hers, and in that moment, time slowed down.

Lily pulled over, her heart swelling with compassion. She stepped out of her car, the hot asphalt burning her sandals. Aesop had reached the middle of the road, vulnerable and exposed. Lily gently picked him up, cradling him in her hands. His shell was rough, yet it carried the weight of centuries.

“Slow and steady wins the race,” Aesop seemed to whisper. Lily smiled, realizing the profound truth in those words. She carried him to the other side, placing him in the safety of the grass. Aesop blinked at her, gratitude shining in his ancient eyes.

As Lily returned to her car, she glanced back at the road. The other drivers had sped away, their impatience forgotten. But she knew she had witnessed something magical—a lesson taught by a wise turtle.

And so, the message echoed:

In our fast-paced lives, we often forget the value of patience. We rush through moments, missing the beauty hidden in the details. But Aesop, with his slow, deliberate steps, reminded us that compassion lies in the pauses, kindness in the small gestures.

Let us be like Lily, the caring driver. Let us pause, help one another, and learn from the wisdom of creatures like Aesop. For in their simplicity, they teach us the most profound lessons:

“Life is not a sprint; it’s a journey. And sometimes, the slowest steps lead to the most meaningful destinations.”

And so, the old turtle’s legacy lived on—a gentle ripple of compassion that touched hearts and changed lives, one patient act at a time.