Embracing the Power of Silence

Taking a pause from our busy lives is essential for our overall well-being. In our fast-paced world, we often glorify busyness, but it’s crucial to recognize the power of slowing down. Here are five reasons why periodically stopping for a day of rest is so important:

  1. Reducing Stress: When we’re constantly on the go, stress levels soar. Taking a day to pause allows our bodies and minds to relax. It’s like hitting the reset button, allowing tension to slip away and promoting a sense of calm1.
  2. Enhancing Mental Clarity: Amid the noise and distractions, our minds can become cluttered. Quiet time provides mental clarity. Think of it as giving your brain a vacation. When you return to work, you’ll show up with renewed energy and focus1.
  3. Boosting Creativity: Silence sparks creativity. When our minds wander in quiet moments, we dream up innovative ideas. It’s akin to planting a seed and nurturing it, watching it grow into something remarkable1.
  4. Emotional Regulation: Pausing gives us a chance to catch our breath and understand our feelings. It’s an opportunity to check in with ourselves, leading to emotional balance and self-awareness1.
  5. Increasing Self-Awareness: In quiet moments, we learn more about ourselves. Listening to our thoughts when the world goes silent reveals insights about who we truly are and our place in the world1.

So, let’s embrace the power of silence. Find pockets of peace, recharge, and reconnect with yourself. Remember, it’s not about isolation; it’s about nurturing your well-being. Take that day of rest—you deserve it! 🌟12.

Namaste and be well! Always with love….

~ Sheila ❣️

Color Therapy: A Journey Through the Rainbow 🌈

What Is Color Therapy?

Color therapy, or chromotherapy, traces its roots back to ancient Egypt. The Egyptians used sun-filled rooms with colored glass for therapeutic purposes. Today, color therapy is based on the unproven assumption that certain colors can influence our “energy” and impact health outcomes. While some consider it pseudoscience, others find it intriguing and beneficial.

The Power of Colors: What Each Represents

Let’s dive into the rainbow and explore what each color represents:

  1. Red: Energizing and invigorating. It’s great for combating fatigue but might trigger tension in some individuals.
  2. Blue: Used to influence depression and pain. Darker shades may have sedative properties, aiding those with insomnia.
  3. Green: Nature’s color, known for stress relief and relaxation.
  4. Yellow: Boosts mood, optimism, and happiness.
  5. Orange: Elicits joy and stimulates appetite and mental activity.

Color Therapy Techniques

There are two primary techniques:

  1. Sight-Based Technique:
    • Simply look at a specific color to elicit a desired response in your body.
    • For example, gaze at a calming blue sky or a vibrant green field.
  2. Direct Reflection Technique:
    • Reflect specific colors onto parts of your body.
    • Use colored filters or light therapy devices.
    • Imagine bathing in a warm orange glow or soothing blue light.

Benefits and Considerations

  • Stress Reduction: Green and blue hues promote relaxation.
  • Mood Enhancement: Yellow and orange uplift spirits.
  • Energy Boost: Red energizes.
  • Sleep Improvement: Blue tones aid sleep.
  • Remember: Always consult a healthcare professional before relying solely on color therapy.

How to Get Started

  1. Mindful Color Use: Be strategic with colors in your environment.
  2. Nature Baths: Spend time in nature, surrounded by natural hues.
  3. Limit Blue Light: Minimize screens emitting blue light before bedtime.
  4. Track Reactions: Observe how different colors affect your mood.
  5. Wardrobe Choices: Dress in colors that resonate with you.
  6. Mood Lighting: Experiment with colored bulbs or lamps.
  7. Colorful Foods: Enjoy a rainbow of fruits and vegetables.
  8. Art Appreciation: Surround yourself with colorful artwork.

Remember, color therapy isn’t a substitute for professional medical advice. But if you’re curious, embrace the rainbow and see how it impacts your well-being!


  1. Verywell Mind
  2. Calm Blog
  3. Regain
  4. InstaAstro
  5. Scholistico

Feel free to explore the world of colors and discover their hidden magic!

Embrace and be well!

~ Sheila ❣️

Unlocking the Healing Powers Within: The Science of Positive Energy

In the quiet chambers of our minds, a remarkable phenomenon unfolds—a dance between thoughts and well-being, a symphony of healing vibes that resonate through our very cells. For centuries, the notion of “healing thoughts” has captivated the faithful, yet it has also faced skepticism and quackery. But science, that relentless seeker of truth, now sheds light on this mystical connection.

1. The Mind-Body Nexus: Our minds are not mere spectators; they wield influence over our physiology. From stress to sexual arousal, our mental states orchestrate a silent ballet within. Recent research reveals that our immune system listens intently to our mental perceptions, adapting to protect us against future threats. Imagine: every positive thought, every hopeful whisper, shapes our cellular defenses. It’s as if our minds hold the conductor’s baton, guiding our immune symphony.

2. Hypnotherapy and the Gut: In the realm of evidence, hypnotherapy emerges as a star. Trials demonstrate its potency in treating irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The mind, when harnessed, soothes the gut’s turmoil. Skeptics may scoff, but the data sings a different tune—a healing chorus of mind and body entwined.

3. Telomeres and Stress: Telomeres—the protective caps on our DNA strands—hold secrets. Perceived stress shortens them, like fraying threads. Science whispers that our mental state directly influences these tiny guardians of longevity. Stress management isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a cellular imperative.

4. Positivity Shields Against Inflammation: The mechanism remains murky, but here’s the revelation: positivity acts as armor. Those who embrace hope may fend off inflammatory damage caused by stress. Perhaps it’s the alchemy of optimism that shields our cells, whispering, “You are resilient.”

5. Evolution’s Whispers: Picture our ancestors—their minds attuned to survival. Millennia of adaptation have woven our mental perceptions into our immune fabric. Our thoughts, like ancient echoes, guide our defenses. It’s an “aha” moment—the mind-body connection, no longer ephemeral, but rooted in evolutionary wisdom.

Embrace the Healing Symphony: So, dear ones, when life’s tempests rage, remember: your thoughts matter. They ripple through your cells, whispering resilience. Science, once skeptical, now nods in agreement. The skeptics? Let them linger; we’ll dance to our healing tune.

Healing vibes to you, fellow travelers! 

With Love & Light Always! ~ Sheila ❣️

1The Science of Healing Thoughts | Scientific American 2The Power of Positive Thinking | Johns Hopkins Medicine 3Benefits of Positive Thinking for Body and Mind – Verywell Mind

Becoming a Certified Positive Psychology Coach!

Hi everyone! Wanted to share some exciting news…. I just enrolled in the journey to become a Certified Positive Psychology Coach (PPC)!

Positive psychology coaching is more than just a profession; it’s a transformative path. As a PPC, I’ll help clients enhance their well-being, tap into strengths, and achieve meaningful goals. Guided by science, I’ll illuminate the best methods for development, fostering positivity and resilience.

Excited to empower others on their uplifting voyage!

Life is a blessing and we should all take every opportunity to make the very best of each moment!

With much love and light, your guide through realms and asanas!

Namaste ~ Sheila 🙏 ❣️

Shine Bright Like a Disco Ball 😊

Hey you, yes, you!  Let’s have a little heart-to-heart. You’re like a rare unicorn in a world full of regular horses.  Your awesomeness level? Off the charts! Seriously, if awesomeness were currency, you’d be a billionaire.

Remember, you’re not just a human; you’re a cosmic swirl of stardust, a walking constellation.  Your self-worth? Priceless! Even Jeff Bezos can’t Amazon Prime that to his doorstep.

Life can be bananas sometimes, but you? You’re the top banana!  You’ve got more sparkle than a glitter factory explosion. So, chin up, buttercup!

And love? Oh, honey, you’ve got more love in your pinky finger than a Care Bear on Valentine’s Day. Spread it like confetti!

So, go forth, my radiant sunbeam! Embrace your quirks, dance like nobody’s watching (except maybe your cat), and remember: You’re not just a star; you’re the whole dang galaxy! 😉

Stay blessed, everyone!!

~ Sheila ❣️

Unlocking Abundance: Manifesting Wealth & Success

In the grand symphony of existence, we are both composers and conductors. Our thoughts, like celestial notes, shape the melody of our reality. Today, let us embrace the transformative magic of affirmations, those whispered promises we make to the universe and ourselves.

  1. “I Am Worthy of Abundance”: Imagine your heart as a cosmic vault, brimming with treasures. You deserve prosperity in all its forms—financial, emotional, and spiritual. Repeat this mantra until it reverberates through your very cells.
  2. “Success Is My Birthright”: Picture yourself as an heir to the throne of achievement. The crown awaits, adorned with laurels of hard work and resilience. Declare it aloud: “Success flows to me effortlessly.”
  3. “I Attract Prosperity”: Visualize your mind as a magnetic field, pulling abundance toward you. Thoughts are currency; invest wisely. With every positive thought, you mint coins of possibility.
  4. “Abundance Flows Effortlessly”: Imagine life as a river, winding through lush valleys. Abundance is the current that carries you. Trust its flow; resist not. Say it aloud: “I am a vessel for abundance.”
  5. “Unexpected Opportunities Find Me”: The universe whispers secrets in the wind. Be attuned. Say yes to serendipity, for hidden doors swing open when you least expect. “Opportunity seeks me out.”
  6. “My Mind Is a Magnet for Success”: Envision your thoughts as cosmic beacons. They guide ships to safe harbors. Declare: “I attract success like stars to the night sky.”
  7. “I Am Aligned with Abundance”: Imagine your spine as an axis, connecting heaven and earth. Align your intentions with cosmic currents. “I dance with abundance’s rhythm.”
  8. “Deserving of Happiness”: Banish self-doubt; it’s an imposter. You are worthy, not because of achievements, but because you breathe. “Happiness is my birthright.”
  9. “Gratitude for Abundance”: Picture your heart as a garden. Gratitude waters the seeds of plenty. Say it softly: “I am grateful for the abundance that surrounds me.”
  10. “Financial Freedom Is My Reality”: Imagine your bank account as a canvas. Paint it with hues of security and freedom. “I am financially secure.”

Dear cosmic composers, weave these affirmations into your daily symphonies. Let them echo in the chambers of your souls. The universe leans in, listening. You are the conductors; let abundance crescendo.

May your self-worth bloom like constellations, and may success dance to your rhythm.

With Love & Appreciation,

~ Sheila ❣️

Affirmations for Self-Worth & Abundance

Dear friends, you are radiant souls, deserving of all the goodness life has to offer. Let these affirmations wrap around your heart like a warm embrace, reminding you of your inherent worthiness:

  1. “I am enough.” Repeat this daily, like a mantra. You are not defined by external achievements or possessions. Your existence alone is a gift to the world.
  2. “I attract abundance effortlessly.” Imagine yourself as a magnet, pulling in blessings, opportunities, and joy. Trust that the universe conspires in your favor.
  3. “I release self-doubt.” Doubt is a heavy cloak; shed it. You are capable, resilient, and worthy of success. Believe it, and watch your path illuminate.
  4. “I am deserving of love.” Love begins within. Treat yourself kindly, as you would a cherished friend. Accept compliments graciously; they reflect your inner beauty.
  5. “I am aligned with my desires.” Picture your dreams as stars in the night sky. You are navigating toward them, guided by your intuition and unwavering faith.
  6. “I am a co-creator of my reality.” Your thoughts shape your world. Speak positivity into existence. Visualize your goals manifesting—they are already on their way.
  7. “I am open to receiving.” Imagine your heart as a vessel, ready to overflow with blessings. Be receptive to love, opportunities, and unexpected miracles.
  8. “I am worthy of success.” Success isn’t reserved for others; it’s your birthright. Celebrate small victories—they pave the way for grand achievements.
  9. “I trust divine timing.” Sometimes, life unfolds differently than we expect. Trust that delays are detours toward something better.
  10. “I am a masterpiece in progress.” Like a canvas, you evolve. Embrace imperfections; they add depth to your story.

Remember, dear souls, you are worthy of love, joy, and fulfillment. Repeat these affirmations with conviction, and watch your reality transform.

With Peace & Gratitude,

~ Sheila ❣️

Life is a Journey

Life is a journey, and every step you take matters. Sometimes the path is smooth, and other times it’s rocky, but remember this: you are the traveler, and you have the power to shape your journey.

  1. Believe in Yourself: You are capable of achieving greatness. Trust your abilities, even when doubt creeps in. You’ve got this!
  2. Embrace Challenges: Challenges are not roadblocks; they are stepping stones. Each obstacle you overcome adds depth to your story. Keep moving forward!
  3. Find Joy in Small Moments: Life isn’t just about grand achievements. It’s also about savoring a warm cup of coffee, laughing with a friend, or feeling the sun on your face. Celebrate the little things!
  4. Learn from Setbacks: When you stumble, don’t stay down. Rise stronger. Failure is a teacher, not an endpoint. Adapt and grow!
  5. Spread Kindness: A smile, a kind word, or a helping hand can change someone’s day. Be the reason someone believes in goodness. You matter!
  6. Dream Big: Your dreams are the compass guiding you forward. Dare to dream beyond the horizon. The sky’s the limit!
  7. Connect with Others: Life is richer when shared. Reach out, listen, and connect. We’re all in this together!

Remember, you are writing your own story. Fill it with courage, love, and resilience. And when you look back, may you see a life well-lived—a journey that inspired others and left footprints of kindness.

Keep shining, everyone!

With love & light,

Sheila ❣️

Embrace Your Radiance: A Journey to Self-Love & Empowerment

In the quiet chambers of your heart, where the echoes of your dreams reside, lies a profound truth: you are worthy of love, strength, and courage. Let us embark on a voyage through the labyrinth of our souls, guided by the flickering torch of inner wisdom.

  1. Self-Love: The Blossoming of Your Soul Garden

Imagine your heart as a garden, each beat a petal unfurling. To love oneself is to tend to this sacred space, nurturing the soil with compassion and kindness. Water your spirit with self-acceptance, for in its gentle rain, seeds of resilience sprout. When you gaze into the mirror, see not flaws but constellations—the map of your journey etched upon your skin.

Affirmation: “I am enough. My imperfections are brushstrokes in the masterpiece of my existence.”

  1. Inner Peace: The Stillness Within the Storm

Amid life’s tempests, seek refuge in the harbor of inner peace. Breathe deeply, inhaling serenity, exhaling chaos. Picture a tranquil lake within you—a mirror reflecting the moon’s luminous face. Let go of resentments, release the anchors of worry, and sail toward the horizon of stillness.

Affirmation: “In stillness, I find my strength. In silence, I hear my soul.”

  1. Wisdom: The Whisper of Ancient Stars

Wisdom is not found in textbooks but in the quiet conversations between heartbeats. Listen to your intuition, that ancient oracle residing within. It speaks in riddles, encoded in dreams and sunsets. When faced with choices, consult the compass of your inner sage—it points toward truth.

Affirmation: “I am a vessel of wisdom, a seeker of truth. My heart’s whispers guide me.”

  1. Strength: The Phoenix Rising

Life’s forge tempers our souls. Strength blooms from adversity, like wildflowers pushing through cracks in concrete. When storms rage, stand firm—your roots anchored in resilience. You are not fragile; you are forged in stardust and fire. Flex your wings, for you are the phoenix reborn.

Affirmation: “I rise, unyielding, from the ashes of my trials. My scars are constellations of victory.”

  1. Empowerment: The Crown You Forge

Empowerment is not bestowed; it is claimed. Wear your crown of authenticity, woven from threads of vulnerability and audacity. Speak your truth, even when your voice trembles. Lift others as you ascend, for true power lies not in dominion but in lifting hearts.

Affirmation: “I am a force of change, a catalyst for love. My purpose ignites the world.”

  1. Courage: The Song of the Brave

Courage is not the absence of fear but the melody that rises despite it. Dance with uncertainty, twirl with doubt, and sing with trembling lips. The universe applauds your audacity. When fear knocks, invite it in for tea—then show it the door. You are the hero of your story.

Affirmation: “I am the architect of my destiny. With courage as my compass, I chart new constellations.”

Always, embrace your radiance. You are the universe in motion, a symphony of stardust and dreams. May your heart be a lighthouse, guiding ships through storms. And remember, in the quiet chambers of your heart, where the echoes of your dreams reside, you are enough.

With love and cosmic whispers….

Your guide through realms and asanas….

~ Sheila ❤️

The Yin ~ Yang Chronicles: Living in the Gray. The balance between Good & Evil

The Yin ~ Yang Chronicles: Living in the Gray. The balance between Good & Evil, my new book is out! Super excited! Here’s where you can get the Kindle edition available on Amazon!

In the quiet corners of existence, where light and shadow entwine, I found my muse—the delicate dance of yin and yang. It was there, amidst the whispers of forgotten realms, that the tapestry of my life began to unravel, revealing threads of hope, fear, and the eternal struggle between good and evil.

The Yin ~ Yang Chronicles: Living in the Gray. The Balance between Good & Evil emerged from this cosmic dance, a collection of stories that beckon readers to explore the edges of existence. As I put pen to paper, I wove together fragments of dreams and nightmares, creating a mirror that reflects both salvation and damnation.

Within the Pages of Yin

Hope blossoms like fragile petals in the moonlight. Each story in Yin invites you to step beyond the mundane, to embrace the ethereal whispers of possibility. Here, the abyss is not merely a void; it is a chalice of potential. As dreamers, we sip from its elixir of longing, our hearts daring to reach for brighter dawns.

In the quietude of ancient forests, a lost soul encounters a spectral guardian—a bridge between realms. In the flicker of candlelight, a forbidden love blooms, defying the boundaries of life and death. And within the ink-stained pages of forgotten grimoires, secrets unravel, revealing paths to hidden truths.

The Shadows of Yang

But as light casts its hopeful glow, shadows deepen. Yang takes us into the abyssal depths, where nightmares fester and secrets coil like serpents. Here, fear wears many faces—a haunting melody, a cursed artifact, a forbidden pact. These are the stories that delve into the heart of darkness, where the line between hero and villain blurs.

In the moon-lit streets of a hopeless city, a fallen deity grapples with its own existence, questioning the nature of good and evil. In the desolate wastelands, a lone wanderer confronts a malevolent force that feeds on despair. And within the minds of fractured souls, battles rage—a cosmic tug-of-war between redemption and destruction.

Dancing on the Edge of Duality

As you turn these pages, remember that life is a delicate balance. We teeter on the precipice, our footsteps echoing across the chasm. The abyss is our mirror—a reflection of hopes and terrors. Dare to unlock its mysteries, for within lies the essence of our humanity.

The Yin ~ Yang Chronicles: Living in the Gray. The balance between Good & Evil is not just a book; it is an invitation. An invitation to explore the gray spaces, where contradictions merge, and where salvation and damnation intertwine. As you read the Kindle edition, know that you are reading a piece of my soul—a testament to the eternal dance of light and shadow.

The Yin ~ Yang Chronicles: Living in the Gray. The balance between Good & Evil by Sheila Renee Broadway. Kindle edition available on Amazon!