The Power of Gratitude Journals: A Path to Well-Being

What is a Gratitude Journal? 

A gratitude journal is a simple yet powerful tool that involves regularly writing down things you’re thankful for. It’s like capturing rays of sunshine in a notebook—a way to acknowledge and appreciate the positive aspects of your life.

Benefits of Keeping a Gratitude Journal

  1. Better Physical Health: Research shows that gratitude-based journaling can reduce stress, leading to fewer health problemsAd1. When you express gratitude, your body responds positively, promoting overall well-being.
  2. Improved Psychological Health: Writing about what you’re grateful for enhances your mood, reduces feelings of loneliness, and boosts emotional resilience2. It’s like a mental vitamin for your mind!
  3. More Empathy and Less Aggression: Gratitude fosters empathy and compassion. When you appreciate others, you’re less likely to react aggressively or negatively.
  4. Healthier Relationships: Gratitude strengthens connections with loved ones. Expressing appreciation deepens bonds and creates a positive cycle of kindness.
  5. Better Sleep: A gratitude journal can calm your mind before bedtime, leading to more restful sleep3. Sweet dreams, anyone?
  6. Improved Self-Esteem: Recognizing your blessings boosts self-worth. You’ll feel more confident and capable.
  7. More Mental Strength: Gratitude helps you bounce back from challenges. It’s like an emotional resilience workout.
  8. Increased Productivity: When you focus on what you’re grateful for, you become more motivated and productive4. It’s like a gratitude-fueled turbo boost!

How to Start Your Gratitude Journal

  1. Choose a Journal: Find a notebook or use a digital app—whatever works for you.
  2. Set a Routine: Write daily or weekly. Consistency matters!
  3. Reflect on Blessings: Jot down things you appreciate—big or small.
  4. Be Specific: Describe why you’re grateful. Dive into details.
  5. Celebrate Progress: Look back and see how far you’ve come.

Remember, gratitude journals aren’t just about writing; they’re about cultivating a positive mindset. So grab your pen (or keyboard) and start counting your blessings! 🌈✨


  1. Positive Psychology: 14 Benefits of Practicing Gratitude
  2. Power of Positivity: Science Explains 12 Benefits of Keeping a Gratitude Journal
  3. Calm Blog: How (and why) to start a gratitude journal for your wellbeing
  4. Positive Psychology: Gratitude Journal: 66 Templates & Ideas for Daily Journaling

Happy journaling! 

~ Sheila ❣️ 

Happy Mother’s Day! 💐

Happy Mother’s Day! 🌸 To all the incredible moms out there, your love, strength, and nurturing spirit light up our lives. Whether you’re a new mom, a seasoned pro, or a fur baby mom, today is for you! May your day be filled with laughter, hugs, and maybe a few extra moments of peace (because you deserve it!). Sending you all my heartfelt love and gratitude. 💖👩‍👧‍👦🐾

~ Sheila ❣️

Celebrating 500 Posts: A Journey from the Paranormal to Wellness with Sheila 

“From Ectoplasm to Enlightenment: My Website’s Metamorphosis”

Year: 2012/ The Ghostly Genesis

Back in 2012, I embarked on a digital odyssey—a humble website that would soon become my canvas for exploration. Little did I know that this virtual space would be my conduit to realms beyond the mundane.

My site became my sanctuary—a place where the curious congregated. We delved into the enigmatic, dissecting EVPs, deciphering cryptic symbols, and chasing after elusive apparitions. My site thrived on the intersection of spirit and science, beliefs and skepticism. It was a haven for the cosmic wanderers, the seekers of the unseen.

500 Posts: A Journey Through the Veil

Fast-forward to today, and my website boasts 500 posts—each a testament to my insatiable hunger for knowledge. But these aren’t just ordinary articles; they’re fragments of my soul, etched in pixels and HTML. Let me take you on a spectral tour of my metamorphosis:

The Paranormal Chronicles:

My early posts were steeped in ectoplasmic intrigue. I shared EVP recordings, and debated the existence of shadow beings. The veil between worlds was thin, and I reveled in its mysteries.

The Whispering Winds of Change:

As the years passed, I felt a shift—a cosmic nudge urging me toward new horizons. The paranormal, once my muse, began to fade like a ghostly apparition at dawn. I yearned for more—a deeper purpose.

My Awakening:

The time had come for my resonation with cosmic vibrations. I shed my spectral pseudonym and stepped into the light. Sheila wasn’t just a name; I became a vessel—an embodiment of transformation.

Wellness with Sheila:

My website underwent an alchemical transformation. The paranormal archives receded, replaced by yoga, mindfulness, and holistic health. Wellness with Sheila emerged—a sanctuary for soul seekers, a refuge for those yearning to align mind, body, and spirit.

The Cosmic Curriculum: What You’ll Find Today

Yoga Sessions: From sun salutations to moonlit flows, I guide you through asanas that awaken your chakras.

Mindfulness Coaching: Dive into the stillness within. Learn to breathe, observe, and embrace the present moment.

Holistic Health: Nourish your body with plant-based recipes, herbal remedies, and ancient wisdom.

Conclusion: Beyond the Veil

As I pen my 500th post (actually this one is my 501st post ☺️), I honor the spectral whispers that birthed my siteIt was here, in the twilight of the paranormal, that I glimpsed eternity. And now, as Wellness with Sheila, I invite you to dance with the cosmos—to awaken the universe within.

I want to thank you all for being part of this cosmic journey!

And as a huge thank you for always being there for me, I am giving away free copies of my newly released kindle book, The Yin Yang Chronicles: Living in the Gray. The Balance between Good & Evil

My special gift to each of you will be available starting tomorrow, April 8th – April 12th. So, for five days my book, The Yin Yang Chronicles: Living in the Gray. The Balance between Good & Evil will be FREE on Amazon!!

All I ask in return is an honest review on Amazon. Thank you so much for all your positive vibes and love! You are amazing!! 

Wellness with Sheila: Where the mundane meets the mystical.

Remember, my dear friends, the veil is thin, and the universe awaits!

With Love, Light & Gratitude,

~ Sheila ❣️

Being Grateful Amid Life’s Roller Coaster

Life, my dear friends, is a wild ride—a roller coaster of emotions, experiences, and unexpected twists. We soar to exhilarating heights, only to plummet into the depths of uncertainty. But amidst the loops and turns, there’s a constant beacon: gratitude.

1. The Sunrise of Each Day: As the sun peeks over the horizon, it paints the sky with hues of gold and pink. No matter what yesterday held, today offers a fresh canvas. Be grateful for the promise of a new beginning—the chance to rewrite your story.

2. The Warmth of Connection: People come into our lives like sunbeams through the leaves. Cherish the laughter shared with friends, the whispered secrets with loved ones, and the kindness of strangers. These connections weave the fabric of our existence.

3. The Symphony of Small Joys: Notice the little things—the steam rising from your morning coffee, the scent of rain on dry earth, the way your dog’s tail wags when you return home. These moments are the hidden gems of life, waiting to be discovered.

4. The Lessons in Adversity: When storms rage, they sculpt our character. Challenges teach us resilience, empathy, and the art of rising after a fall. Even in the darkest hours, there’s a lesson—a silver lining—that shapes us into better versions of ourselves.

5. The Dance of Seasons: Spring blooms, summer sings, autumn whispers, and winter cradles us in its icy arms. Each season brings its own magic. Be grateful for the rhythm—the ebb and flow—that mirrors our own growth.

6. The Breath in Your Lungs: Close your eyes and feel it—the rise and fall of your chest, the life force coursing through you. You exist! In this moment, you are alive. Breathe in gratitude for the simple miracle of being.

7. The Blank Pages of Tomorrow: Tomorrow is an unwritten chapter. It holds surprises, challenges, and opportunities. Embrace it with open arms. Be thankful for the unwritten stories waiting to unfold.

8. The Stars That Whisper Secrets: Look up at the night sky. Those distant stars have witnessed civilizations rise and fall, yet they still twinkle. They remind us of our place in the grand tapestry of existence. Be grateful for stardust and cosmic wonder.

9. The Taste of Adventure: Life invites us to explore—to taste exotic foods, climb mountains, and dance in the rain. Gratitude lies in the thrill of adventure, the passport stamps, and the memories etched in our hearts.

10. The Fragile Beauty of Now: This moment—right now—is a gift. It’s all we truly have. Soak it in. Be grateful for the messy, imperfect, breathtaking beauty of now.

Remember, as you navigate life’s roller coaster, that gratitude isn’t about denying pain or glossing over hardships. It’s about finding pockets of light even in the shadows. So, raise your cup—whether it’s filled with coffee, tea, or stardust—and toast to gratitude.

With love and gratitude,

Your fellow traveler on this cosmic ride, Sheila ❣️

Good morning, dear yogis!! 🌞

As the sun rises, let’s embrace the new day with gentle movementmindful breath, and a heart full of gratitude. 🙏

Join me for a Morning Salutations class to awaken your body, center your mind, and set positive intentions for the day ahead. Here’s what we’ll explore:

  1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana): Stand tall, feet grounded, arms relaxed by your sides. Feel the earth beneath you, connecting you to its energy.
  2. Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar): Flow through this sequence to honor the sun, our life-giving source. Inhale, reach up; exhale, fold forward. Feel the warmth and light infusing your being.
  3. Forward Fold (Uttanasana): Let go of any tension. Hang like a ragdoll, releasing the spine. Breathe deeply into your hamstrings and lower back.
  4. Low Lunge (Anjaneyasana): Step one foot back, knee down. Lift your heart, stretch your hip flexors, and breathe into the present moment.
  5. Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana): Hips high, heels reaching toward the mat. Pedal your feet, lengthen your spine. Feel the stretch from fingertips to tailbone.
  6. Child’s Pose (Balasana): Rest your forehead on the mat, arms extended. Surrender. Breathe into your back body, inviting peace and surrender.
  7. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana): Press your palms into the mat, lift your chest, and gaze upward. Feel the strength in your spine and heart.
  8. Seated Forward Fold (Paschimottanasana): Extend your legs, flex your feet. Reach for your toes or shins. Breathe into your hamstrings and spine.
  9. Easy Seated Pose (Sukhasana): Cross your legs, sit tall. Close your eyes. Set an intention for your day—a word, a feeling, a vision.
  10. Final Savasana: Lie down, palms facing up. Let go of effort. Rest. Imagine the sun’s rays bathing you in golden light.

Remember, this practice is about self-care, not perfection. Listen to your body, honor its wisdom, and move with love. 🌿

See you on the mat! 🧘‍♀️💕

Namaste! 🙏✨

With love and gratitude,

Your guide through realms and asanas….

~ Sheila ❤️

Anatomical Uniqueness with Yoga: The Magic of being YOU!

Yoga is more than just a series of physical postures. It’s a holistic practice that encompasses the mind, body, and spirit. One of its most beautiful aspects is its celebration of anatomical uniqueness. In a world that often pushes us toward comparison and conformity, yoga invites us to honor our individuality and respect our bodies’ inherent differences.

In this post, we’ll explore how yoga encourages us to embrace our anatomical uniqueness, honor our limits, and cultivate mindfulness awareness.

1. The Beauty of Uniqueness

Our Bodies, Our Stories

Imagine a yoga class where everyone looked the same, moved the same, and had identical abilities. It would be monotonous and uninspiring. Thankfully, reality is far more interesting! Each person’s body tells a unique story—a tale of genetics, experiences, and personal history. Our bodies carry the imprints of our lives: scars, curves, and quirks that make us who we are.

Yoga celebrates this diversity. When we step onto our mats, we bring our individual histories with us. Our tight hamstrings, flexible spines, old injuries, and newfound strengths—they all contribute to the rich tapestry of our practice.

Variations and Modifications

Yoga poses (asanas) come in various shapes and sizes. Some people effortlessly fold into a pretzel-like twist, while others find the same pose challenging. And that’s perfectly okay! Yoga encourages us to explore variations and modifications that suit our bodies.

For instance:

  • Downward Dog: Some practitioners have naturally open shoulders, allowing them to create a straight line from hands to hips. Others might need to bend their knees or use props to find comfort.
  • Forward Fold: While some can touch their toes effortlessly, others might need to keep a slight bend in their knees or use blocks for support.

The key is to honor what feels right for you. Your body knows best.

2. Respecting Limits

The Edge, Not the Cliff

In yoga, we often hear about finding our “edge.” It’s that sweet spot where we feel challenged but not overwhelmed. Our edge is where growth happens. But here’s the crucial part: it’s your edge, not someone else’s.

Comparison is the thief of joy. When we compare ourselves to others, we risk pushing beyond our limits. Instead, let’s redefine our edge as the place where we respect our boundaries. Maybe your edge today is a gentle stretch; tomorrow, it might be deeper. That’s progress!

Injury Prevention

Yoga teaches us to listen to our bodies. If a pose feels painful or strained, it’s essential to back off. Our bodies communicate through sensations—tightness, discomfort, or ease. By respecting these signals, we prevent injuries and build a sustainable practice.

3. Mindfulness Awareness

Being Present

Mindfulness is the heart of yoga. It’s about being fully present in each moment, whether we’re flowing through sun salutations or sitting in meditation. When we pay attention to our breath, sensations, and thoughts, we deepen our practice.

Body Scanning

During yoga, take a mental journey through your body. Notice areas of tension, warmth, or relaxation. Breathe into those spaces. By cultivating this awareness, we become attuned to our bodies’ needs.


Finally, let’s express gratitude for our bodies. They carry us through life’s ups and downs. Whether you can touch your toes or not, your body is a miracle. Thank it for its resilience, its ability to heal, and its unique expression.


Yoga isn’t about achieving social media-worthy poses. It’s about self-discovery, compassion, and honoring our anatomical uniqueness. So, unroll your mat, embrace your quirks, and remember: you’re not just doing yoga; you’re being yoga.

Namaste! 🙏

With love and gratitude,

Your guide through realms and asanas….

~ Sheila ❤️

Embrace the New Week

As the sun rises on this fresh week, remember that each day is a canvas waiting for your vibrant strokes. You hold the brush, and life provides the colors.

Chase your dreams with unwavering determination. Even the smallest steps count—they lead to great journeys.

When challenges arise, see them as stepping stones, not stumbling blocks. Your resilience is your superpower.

Plant seeds of kindness wherever you go. A smile, a kind word, or a helping hand can change someone’s day.

Believe in your own magic. You are capable of creating miracles.

And when the week feels heavy, remember: storms don’t last forever. Sunshine follows rain.

You’ve got this! 🌟✨

Wishing you a week filled with joy, growth, and beautiful moments. ❤️

~ Sheila 💋

“The Melody of Kindness: Unseen Acts of Joy.”

In a quaint neighborhood, there was an elderly man named Mr. Thompson who drove an ice cream truck. With a heart as sweet as the treats he offered, he found joy in seeing children’s faces light up with delight. Every day, he roamed the streets, playing cheerful tunes that echoed through the community.

Despite his kind deeds, Mr. Thompson’s acts of generosity often went unnoticed by the busy world around him. He’d offer free ice cream to children whose pockets were empty, spreading happiness without seeking recognition. The neighborhood kids adored him, and his daily presence became a source of joy for families.

One summer day, as the sun painted the sky with warm hues, Mr. Thompson noticed a little girl sitting on a park bench, looking sad. He parked his ice cream truck nearby and approached her, offering a scoop of her favorite flavor. The girl’s frown turned into a bright smile, and Mr. Thompson’s heart swelled with satisfaction.

Unknown to him, a local journalist named Sarah had been observing his acts of kindness. Intrigued by the untold story of the ice cream man’s generosity, she decided to shine a spotlight on him. In an article titled “The Unseen Hero of Happiness,” Sarah shared Mr. Thompson’s story with the community.

The response was overwhelming. The neighborhood rallied to express gratitude for the man who had quietly been making a difference. Families and local businesses came together to organize a surprise event to honor Mr. Thompson, acknowledging his selfless contributions to the community.

Amidst the cheers and applause, Mr. Thompson stood humbly, grateful for the recognition but even more pleased that the focus remained on the joy he could bring to others. The community had finally noticed the man behind the ice cream truck, and his story became an inspiration for kindness, reminding everyone that sometimes the most impactful deeds are the ones done without expecting anything in return.

“The Melody of Kindness: Unseen Acts of Joy.”

Short story by

Sheila Renee Parker

A Shout Out to all our Veterans!

Good morning, everyone! It’s a beautiful, chilly day here on the Gulf Coast. I have my hot coffee at hand as I write you this article, ready to start the day!

Today is Friday, November 11th. A very important day for us here in the United States. It’s Veterans Day!

“A celebration to honor America’s veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.” ~

I have a lot of family members that have served in the military, and are still serving…. Including all branches. The military is extremely dear to me, gets me choked up with pride. I love them all!!

Also, with it being November 11th…. Which is Angel Number 11/11…. To me, it holds a great deal of significance as well.

*While other numbers also have special meanings, 1111 — in particular — is considered an “angel number” that has been connected to good events, “such as, people being saved from some life-threatening occurrences or circumstances,” says Vincent Genna, spiritual teacher, psychic therapist and host of weekly radio show, Stop Stopping Yourself!” ~

“1111 is a very high vibration number that communicates confirmation, especially as it pertains to spiritual discovery and journeying,” says Lady Tracey Bond, innovator, co-creator of the DoubleOHHSevenEffect and spiritual author.

What does it mean to see 1111?

When you see 1111 — a time, on a piece of paper, on a license plate, a phone number, on a sign, etc. — angels are trying to tell you something. It’s time to connect with your intuition. Whether your life is about to change for the better or it’s signaling you to take action for a positive outcome, have faith. A good transformation is near.” ~

So, it’s 11/11…. About our Angels and our courageous Veterans. Who in my heart, our Veterans are our Angels!

Thank you so much to all the Veterans who served our country! Your bravery and commitment speak volumes and there aren’t enough wonderful words to express the ongoing appreciation, respect and love that we have for you! ❤️

Resources for this article are: &

Positivity is a choice…

Happy Monday, everyone! Hope you all have a great week!

“Sure, not every day will be good, but there will always be something good about every day. Notice these thing and celebrate them.
Train your mind to see what’s right. Positivity is a choice.”

Stay blessed!

~ Sheila 💋