A Sun-Kissed Weekend on the Gulf Coast!

As the sun stretches its golden arms over the Alabama Gulf Coast, let’s celebrate the magic of this weekend!

Here, the weather dances to its own rhythm—a symphony of warmth and gentle breezes. The skies wear a painter’s palette, blending azure blues with cotton candy wisps.

Imagine toes sinking into powdery sand, waves whispering secrets, and seagulls performing their aerial ballet.

And as we bask in this coastal embrace, let’s send our wishes to every corner of the world. May your skies be just as clear, your hearts just as light, and your days filled with laughter and serendipity.

With love from the sun-kissed shores,
Your fellow wanderer. 

~ Sheila ❣️

The Songbird of Sunflower Hollow

(short story by Sheila Renee Broadway)

In the heart of Sunflower Hollow, where the meadows danced with golden blooms and the breeze whispered secrets to the ancient oaks, there lived a Bohemian woman named Luna. Her spirit was as wild as the untamed river that wound through the valley, and her laughter echoed like wind chimes in the morning sun.

Luna wore skirts made of patchwork fabric, each square telling a story of distant lands and forgotten dreams. Her hair flowed like a river of midnight, adorned with feathers, beads, and tiny bells that tinkled when she twirled. Her eyes held the wisdom of centuries, and her smile promised magic.

Every morning, Luna would step out of her cozy caravan, barefoot and humming a tune only she knew. The villagers would gather, their faces weary from toil and worry, waiting for her arrival. They called her the Songbird of Sunflower Hollow, for her melodies were like medicine for their souls.

Her voice was a blend of sunshine and moonlight, weaving through the air like threads of stardust. As she sang, the flowers leaned in closer, their petals unfurling to catch every note. The bees paused mid-flight, and the leaves rustled in approval. Even the old oak trees swayed, their gnarled branches reaching for the sky.

But it wasn’t just the beauty of her voice that enchanted the villagers. It was the magical messages hidden within her lyrics. Luna sang of hope, resilience, and love. Her words carried healing, lifting burdens from weary shoulders. She sang of lost dreams rediscovered, of broken hearts mended, and of the infinite possibilities that danced on the edge of reality.

One day, a young blacksmith named Elias approached Luna. His hands were calloused, his eyes haunted by memories of war. He had lost his way, drowning in the darkness of his past. Luna smiled at him, her eyes twinkling.

“Ya feelin’ my vibe?” she asked, her voice like a gentle breeze. “Let’s keep the love alive.”

And then she sang.

Her melody wrapped around Elias, cocooning him in warmth. The lyrics whispered secrets to his heart, unraveling the knots of pain. He wept, not from sorrow, but from the sheer beauty of it all. Luna’s song reminded him that life was more than battles fought and scars earned. It was about love, connection, and the magic that thrived in the quiet corners of existence.

From that day on, Elias followed Luna wherever she went. He became her loyal companion, carrying her guitar and spreading her message of love. Together, they wandered through meadows and over hills, touching lives with their music. Luna’s magical songs mended broken families, ignited dormant passions, and even coaxed rain during droughts.

As the seasons changed, so did Luna’s songs. In spring, she sang of rebirth and new beginnings. In summer, her melodies celebrated the sun-kissed days. Autumn brought ballads of letting go, and winter cradled the promise of warmth to come.

And always, her motto echoed through the valley: “Ya feelin’ my vibe? Let’s keep the love alive.”

Luna never aged. Some said she was a spirit, a guardian of Sunflower Hollow. Others believed she was a wandering muse, gifted to those who needed her most. But everyone agreed that her songs were a bridge between worlds—a reminder that magic existed, even in the simplest of moments.

And so, the Songbird of Sunflower Hollow continued her journey, her bare feet leaving imprints in the dew-kissed grass. She sang to the stars, to the moon, and to the hearts of all who listened. For as long as Luna’s melody lingered, hope bloomed, and love remained eternal.

And so it was, in the heart of Sunflower Hollow, that the Bohemian woman danced with the wind, her voice carrying the whispers of the universe:

“Ya feelin’ my vibe? Let’s keep the love alive.”

And they did. 

(The Songbird of Sunflower Hollow ~ written by Sheila Renee Broadway)

Becoming a Certified Positive Psychology Coach!

Hi everyone! Wanted to share some exciting news…. I just enrolled in the journey to become a Certified Positive Psychology Coach (PPC)!

Positive psychology coaching is more than just a profession; it’s a transformative path. As a PPC, I’ll help clients enhance their well-being, tap into strengths, and achieve meaningful goals. Guided by science, I’ll illuminate the best methods for development, fostering positivity and resilience.

Excited to empower others on their uplifting voyage!

Life is a blessing and we should all take every opportunity to make the very best of each moment!

With much love and light, your guide through realms and asanas!

Namaste ~ Sheila 🙏 ❣️

Shine Bright Like a Disco Ball 😊

Hey you, yes, you!  Let’s have a little heart-to-heart. You’re like a rare unicorn in a world full of regular horses.  Your awesomeness level? Off the charts! Seriously, if awesomeness were currency, you’d be a billionaire.

Remember, you’re not just a human; you’re a cosmic swirl of stardust, a walking constellation.  Your self-worth? Priceless! Even Jeff Bezos can’t Amazon Prime that to his doorstep.

Life can be bananas sometimes, but you? You’re the top banana!  You’ve got more sparkle than a glitter factory explosion. So, chin up, buttercup!

And love? Oh, honey, you’ve got more love in your pinky finger than a Care Bear on Valentine’s Day. Spread it like confetti!

So, go forth, my radiant sunbeam! Embrace your quirks, dance like nobody’s watching (except maybe your cat), and remember: You’re not just a star; you’re the whole dang galaxy! 😉

Stay blessed, everyone!!

~ Sheila ❣️

The Tango of Optimism & Reality

The Power of Positivity: A Symphony in Sunbeams

In the grand theater of life, positivity pirouettes across the stage, its sequined gown shimmering with hope. It waltzes with sunbeams, twirls with rainbows, and whispers secrets to dandelions. But let’s not mistake it for a mere polka; no, it’s a symphony—a crescendo of courage, resilience, and unwavering faith.

Character Trait #1 – Optimism: The Sunflower’s Anthem

Optimism isn’t a passive attribute; it’s a secret handshake with the universe. It’s the audacity to expect good outcomes even when the storm clouds gather. Picture this: You’re stranded on a deserted island, and instead of lamenting your fate, you start a coconut orchestra. That’s optimism—the belief that even coconuts can harmonize.

Perspective Shift: Optimism isn’t about wearing rose-tinted glasses; it’s about adjusting the lens. When life serves you lemons, don’t just make lemonade—add a splash of tequila and throw a fiesta. Optimists don’t deny the storm; they dance in the rain, twirling their umbrellas like rebellious ballerinas.

Iconic Illustrations:

  • Oprah Winfrey, the talk-show titan, faced adversity like a seasoned gladiator. She didn’t merely survive; she thrived. Her optimism transformed talk shows into cathedrals of inspiration.
  • Nelson Mandela, imprisoned for decades, didn’t brood in his cell. He carved hope into the prison walls, chiseled freedom songs, and emerged as a beacon of resilience.

Character Trait #2 – Enthusiasm: The Firefly’s Flamenco

Enthusiasm isn’t mere excitement; it’s a salsa of passion, a tango with destiny. Imagine a firefly at a disco—its glow contagious, its moves electric. Enthusiasts don’t tiptoe; they cha-cha through life, leaving stardust in their wake.

A Contagious Energy:

  • Enthusiasm isn’t selfish; it’s a gift to the world. When you’re enthusiastic, people catch your vibe like a catchy tune. They tap their feet, hum along, and suddenly, Mondays feel like Fridays.
  • Next time you’re at a party, watch the enthusiastic dancer—the one who flings caution aside and moonwalks into joy. Their energy ripples through the room, turning awkward shuffles into salsa showdowns.

The Struggle of Reality: A Tango in Moonlight

Reality, my friend, wears sensible shoes. It’s the librarian who shushes daydreams and hands you an overdue fine. It’s the algebra test you didn’t study for, the traffic jam when you’re late for a date. Reality doesn’t care about your vision board; it has its own agenda.

Character Trait #3 – Pragmatism: The Coffee-Sipping Realist

Pragmatism isn’t pessimism’s evil twin; it’s the voice of reason. It says, “Sure, dream big, but also set your alarm clock.” Pragmatists don’t float; they anchor. They know that unicorns don’t pay rent, and rainbows don’t file tax returns.

Perspective Shift: Pragmatism isn’t defeat; it’s strategy. When life throws curveballs, pragmatists don’t duck; they swing. They embrace reality like a cozy sweater, acknowledging its itchiness but appreciating its warmth.

Iconic Illustrations:

  • Marie Curie, the brilliant scientist, didn’t discover radium by chasing rainbows. She labored in her dimly lit laboratory, fueled by pragmatism and a dash of curiosity.
  • Batman—yes, the caped crusader—is the ultimate pragmatist. No superpowers? No problem. He built a utility belt, a Batmobile, and a contingency plan for alien invasions.

The Dance of Harmony: When Optimism Meets Reality

Polyanna? Nah, we’re not sipping rose-colored tea here. It’s about balance—the tango of optimism and reality. You can wear a tiara of hope while navigating the potholes of life. Choosing not to face confrontation isn’t passivity; it’s wisdom. Sometimes, silence speaks louder than battle cries.

So, my fellow dancers, let’s waltz through sunrises and moonsets. Let’s embrace both the symphony and the street noise. And remember, whether you’re a firefly or a librarian, your steps matter.

With Love & Gratitude,

~ Sheila ❣️

Celebrating 500 Posts: A Journey from the Paranormal to Wellness with Sheila 

“From Ectoplasm to Enlightenment: My Website’s Metamorphosis”

Year: 2012/ The Ghostly Genesis

Back in 2012, I embarked on a digital odyssey—a humble website that would soon become my canvas for exploration. Little did I know that this virtual space would be my conduit to realms beyond the mundane.

My site became my sanctuary—a place where the curious congregated. We delved into the enigmatic, dissecting EVPs, deciphering cryptic symbols, and chasing after elusive apparitions. My site thrived on the intersection of spirit and science, beliefs and skepticism. It was a haven for the cosmic wanderers, the seekers of the unseen.

500 Posts: A Journey Through the Veil

Fast-forward to today, and my website boasts 500 posts—each a testament to my insatiable hunger for knowledge. But these aren’t just ordinary articles; they’re fragments of my soul, etched in pixels and HTML. Let me take you on a spectral tour of my metamorphosis:

The Paranormal Chronicles:

My early posts were steeped in ectoplasmic intrigue. I shared EVP recordings, and debated the existence of shadow beings. The veil between worlds was thin, and I reveled in its mysteries.

The Whispering Winds of Change:

As the years passed, I felt a shift—a cosmic nudge urging me toward new horizons. The paranormal, once my muse, began to fade like a ghostly apparition at dawn. I yearned for more—a deeper purpose.

My Awakening:

The time had come for my resonation with cosmic vibrations. I shed my spectral pseudonym and stepped into the light. Sheila wasn’t just a name; I became a vessel—an embodiment of transformation.

Wellness with Sheila:

My website underwent an alchemical transformation. The paranormal archives receded, replaced by yoga, mindfulness, and holistic health. Wellness with Sheila emerged—a sanctuary for soul seekers, a refuge for those yearning to align mind, body, and spirit.

The Cosmic Curriculum: What You’ll Find Today

Yoga Sessions: From sun salutations to moonlit flows, I guide you through asanas that awaken your chakras.

Mindfulness Coaching: Dive into the stillness within. Learn to breathe, observe, and embrace the present moment.

Holistic Health: Nourish your body with plant-based recipes, herbal remedies, and ancient wisdom.

Conclusion: Beyond the Veil

As I pen my 500th post (actually this one is my 501st post ☺️), I honor the spectral whispers that birthed my siteIt was here, in the twilight of the paranormal, that I glimpsed eternity. And now, as Wellness with Sheila, I invite you to dance with the cosmos—to awaken the universe within.

I want to thank you all for being part of this cosmic journey!

And as a huge thank you for always being there for me, I am giving away free copies of my newly released kindle book, The Yin Yang Chronicles: Living in the Gray. The Balance between Good & Evil

My special gift to each of you will be available starting tomorrow, April 8th – April 12th. So, for five days my book, The Yin Yang Chronicles: Living in the Gray. The Balance between Good & Evil will be FREE on Amazon!!

All I ask in return is an honest review on Amazon. Thank you so much for all your positive vibes and love! You are amazing!! 

Wellness with Sheila: Where the mundane meets the mystical.

Remember, my dear friends, the veil is thin, and the universe awaits!

With Love, Light & Gratitude,

~ Sheila ❣️

Letting Go: The Hardest Asana

In the quiet chambers of our hearts, there exists a sacred practice—an Asana that transcends the physical postures of yoga. It is the art of letting go, a graceful surrender that unfurls our wings and allows us to soar beyond the confines of our past.

Why is letting go so essential? Because it is the alchemical process that transforms leaden memories into golden wisdom. It is the act of releasing the heavy stones we carry—the regrets, the hurts, the what-ifs—so that we may dance lightly upon the earth.

The Weight of Yesterday: Our minds are like attics, cluttered with dusty boxes labeled “Once Upon a Time.” We hoard old grievances, replaying them like broken records. But what if we dared to open those boxes, examine their contents, and then—gently—release them? The weight of yesterday can no longer define us when we choose to unshackle ourselves.

Blooming Beyond the Past: Imagine a garden where wilted petals fall away, making room for fresh blossoms. That is the magic of letting go. We prune the dead branches, allowing new shoots to reach for the sun. Our hearts, too, can bloom anew when we release the grip of resentment and embrace forgiveness.

The Ocean of Forgiveness: Forgiveness is not weakness; it is an oceanic strength. It is the ability to sail through stormy waters, knowing that bitterness corrodes our sails. When we forgive, we untether ourselves from the anchor of pain. We become buoyant, riding the waves toward healing shores.

The Dance of Release: Letting go is not a passive act; it is a dance. We twirl with memories, acknowledging their presence, and then—like a waltz—we release them. We honor the lessons they taught us, but we no longer cling to their shadows. Our hearts become spacious ballrooms where joy pirouettes freely.

Sunrise of Possibility: As the sun rises each day, so does the promise of new beginnings. Letting go invites the dawn. It whispers, “You are not defined by your past.” With each breath, we inhale possibility. We exhale limitations. And in that sacred space, we become architects of our own transformation.

Dear soul, let go. Release the burdens you carry. Forgive yourself. Forgive others. Trust that life’s currents will carry you to shores of grace. The hardest Asana is not a physical contortion—it is the surrender of our hearts.

May we all find the courage to release, to heal, and to embrace the radiant path ahead.

With love and light,
Your fellow traveler,

~ Sheila ❣️

The Ethereal Feather

(short story by Sheila Renee Broadway)

The Ethereal Feather

In a quiet corner of the world, where the veil between realms was thin, there existed a mystical forest. Its ancient trees whispered secrets to the wind, and its moss-covered stones held memories of ages past. Here, the ethereal companions roamed—a delicate balance between the earthly and the celestial.

Among these companions was Lysandra, a gentle spirit with eyes like starlight. She had once been an angel, her wings resplendent and her purpose clear. But fate had other plans, and one fateful day, her feather fell from the heavens. It spiraled down, a luminescent wisp, until it landed softly on the forest floor.

Lysandra watched as her feather settled among the ferns. She knew then that her celestial duty had shifted. No longer bound to the skies, she became the guardian of the fallen feather—a beacon of hope for those who wandered the forest seeking solace.

The villagers spoke of the ethereal companion, a presence that brought comfort in times of need. They whispered stories around campfires, tales of a shimmering figure who appeared when hearts were heavy and burdens too much to bear. Lysandra reveled in her newfound purpose, her translucent form weaving through moonlit glades.

One stormy night, a young girl named Elara stumbled upon the feather. Tears streaked her cheeks, and her heart weighed heavy with grief. She had lost her mother, and the pain threatened to consume her. Elara sank to her knees, her fingers brushing the ethereal feather.

Lysandra materialized beside her, her touch as light as a dew-kissed petal. She whispered words of comfort, her voice like a distant chime. Elara looked up, her eyes wide with wonder. “Who are you?” she asked.

“I am Lysandra,” the ethereal companion replied. “Keeper of the fallen feather. I am here to remind you that love transcends all boundaries, even death.”

Elara wiped her tears. “But why does my heart ache so?”

“Because love is a tapestry,” Lysandra said. “It weaves joy and sorrow, laughter and tears. Your mother’s love remains, imprinted on your soul. And this feather,” she gestured to the luminescent plume, “holds the promise that she watches over you still.”

From that day on, Elara visited the forest often. She would sit by the fallen feather, sharing her hopes and fears. Lysandra listened, her presence a balm for the girl’s wounded heart. Together, they watched the seasons change—the leaves turning gold, then falling, only to bloom anew in spring.

As Elara grew, so did her understanding. She realized that the ethereal companions were not bound by time or space. They existed beyond the veil, bridging the earthly and divine. Lysandra taught her to see the beauty in impermanence—to cherish each moment, knowing that love endured.

One crisp autumn morning, Elara stood before the fallen feather. Her heart swelled with gratitude. “Thank you,” she whispered. “For being my companion.”

Lysandra’s form shimmered, her wings unfurling like moonbeams. “Remember, dear Elara, that love is the greatest magic. When you feel lost, call upon me. I will be near.”

And so, Elara carried the ethereal feather in her heart. She faced life’s trials with courage, knowing that her mother’s love was never truly lost. Lysandra remained her silent guide, a reminder that even in the darkest hours, hope fluttered like a fallen feather—a gift from realms beyond.

And so, the forest whispered their story—a tale of love, faith, and the ethereal companions who walked between worlds, leaving traces of magic wherever they roamed.

Flow into Happiness with Qigong ☺️

How Qigong Can Boost Your Mood and Improve Your Life

What Is Qigong?

Qigong, originating in China around 4,000 years ago, is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) principles. It revolves around the concept of “qi”, the vital life force present in everyone’s body. According to TCM, when qi flows harmoniously, we experience optimal health and well-being. However, stagnation of qi can lead to health issues.

Simple Poses and Breathing Patterns

Qigong uses gentle movements and mindful breathing to promote the healthy flow of qi. Unlike yoga, which requires more strength and balance, qigong’s slow, purposeful movements are accessible to people of all ages and fitness levels. You can even practice chair-based qigong if standing is challenging for you.

Health Benefits of Qigong:

Reduces Depression and Relieves Stress:

Studies have shown that qigong can alleviate symptoms of depression, reduce anxiety, and improve overall mood.
Even simple exercises like shaking out your hands or patting down your leg muscles can relieve tension and create space for relaxation.

Lessens Chronic Fatigue:

Chronic fatigue syndrome, characterized by extreme tiredness, can significantly impact daily life.
Qigong helps combat fatigue by redirecting stagnant energy, allowing other positive energies to emerge.

Promotes Energy and Circulation:

Regular qigong practice enhances energy flow, benefiting cardiovascular health and overall vitality.
It’s a quick and easy way to boost your well-being, requiring just 10 minutes a day.

Improves Balance and Bone Health:

Qigong’s gentle movements enhance balance and flexibility.
It positively impacts bone health, making it an excellent practice for maintaining strong bones.

How to Get Started:

Find a Quiet Space:

Choose a peaceful environment where you won’t be disturbed.
Begin with Mindful Breathing: Breathe deeply and focus on the present moment.

Explore Simple Qigong Movements:

Shaking Out Hands and Wrists: Release tension and stagnant energy.
Leg Patting: Tap your leg muscles with your palms to promote circulation.

Flowing Movements:

Explore slow, purposeful motions that feel comfortable for you.


Consistency Matters:

Practice qigong daily to experience its full benefits.
Listen to Your Body: Modify movements as needed and respect your limits.

Embrace the Flow:

Allow qi to move freely, and let positivity follow.


Qigong isn’t just about physical health; it’s a path to emotional well-being. By incorporating qigong into your life, you can channel your energy toward positive outcomes, leading to a happier, more balanced existence.

Remember, you have the power to flow into happiness—one mindful movement at a time! 🌟

References: 1: Flow into Happiness: How Qigong Can Boost Your Mood and Improve Your Life

Start flowing with Qigong and stay blessed!


~ Sheila ❣️

Good morning, dear yogis!! 🌞

As the sun rises, let’s embrace the new day with gentle movementmindful breath, and a heart full of gratitude. 🙏

Join me for a Morning Salutations class to awaken your body, center your mind, and set positive intentions for the day ahead. Here’s what we’ll explore:

  1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana): Stand tall, feet grounded, arms relaxed by your sides. Feel the earth beneath you, connecting you to its energy.
  2. Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar): Flow through this sequence to honor the sun, our life-giving source. Inhale, reach up; exhale, fold forward. Feel the warmth and light infusing your being.
  3. Forward Fold (Uttanasana): Let go of any tension. Hang like a ragdoll, releasing the spine. Breathe deeply into your hamstrings and lower back.
  4. Low Lunge (Anjaneyasana): Step one foot back, knee down. Lift your heart, stretch your hip flexors, and breathe into the present moment.
  5. Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana): Hips high, heels reaching toward the mat. Pedal your feet, lengthen your spine. Feel the stretch from fingertips to tailbone.
  6. Child’s Pose (Balasana): Rest your forehead on the mat, arms extended. Surrender. Breathe into your back body, inviting peace and surrender.
  7. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana): Press your palms into the mat, lift your chest, and gaze upward. Feel the strength in your spine and heart.
  8. Seated Forward Fold (Paschimottanasana): Extend your legs, flex your feet. Reach for your toes or shins. Breathe into your hamstrings and spine.
  9. Easy Seated Pose (Sukhasana): Cross your legs, sit tall. Close your eyes. Set an intention for your day—a word, a feeling, a vision.
  10. Final Savasana: Lie down, palms facing up. Let go of effort. Rest. Imagine the sun’s rays bathing you in golden light.

Remember, this practice is about self-care, not perfection. Listen to your body, honor its wisdom, and move with love. 🌿

See you on the mat! 🧘‍♀️💕

Namaste! 🙏✨

With love and gratitude,

Your guide through realms and asanas….

~ Sheila ❤️