Paranormal Zone: Hosted by Tom Spitalere & Bob McDermott

Hey there, fellow seekers of the unexplained!

Recently, I had the absolute pleasure of being a guest on the Paranormal Zone podcast, hosted by the dynamic duo: Tom Spitalere and Bob McDermott. We delved into the mystical realms, exploring empathic abilities and the release of my new book, The Yin Yang Chronicles: Living in the Gray. The Balance between Good and Evil available on Amazon!

It was so much fun! Tom and Bob, with their encyclopedic knowledge of all things paranormal, welcomed me with such open minds.  We laughed, we pondered, and we shared  some awesome paranormal experiences.

Then we discussed my book, The Yin Yang Chronicles—my literary brainchild—that delves into the murky waters where light and shadow intertwine. It’s a journey through ancient prophecies, secret societies, and the blurred line between hero and villain.

But wait, there’s more! You can catch our spirited conversation on the Paranormal Zone YouTube channel. Just click here to listen to the episode. Don’t forget to hit that subscribe button while you’re there! 🔔

So, fellow truth-seekers, join me in this cosmic dance of energies. Let’s explore the unknown, embrace our empathic gifts, and find that delicate balance between light and darkness.

Remember: Paranormal Zone isn’t just a podcast; it’s a portal to wonder, mystery, and maybe—just maybe—the answers we’ve been seeking all along.

Stay curious, my friends!

~ Sheila ❣️

The Yin ~ Yang Chronicles: Living in the Gray. The Balance between Good & Evil.

Hi everyone,

Allow me to share a glimpse into my soul—a journey that transcends mere ink on paper. “The Yin ~ Yang Chronicles: Living in the Gray. The Balance between Good & Evil” is my heart’s symphony, a dance between light and shadow, virtue and vice. Within these pages, you’ll find a tapestry woven from threads of mystery, redemption, and the delicate balance between Good and Evil.

As the author, I’ve poured my essence into every page, crafting characters who grapple with their inner demons while navigating a world teetering on the precipice. This is a book full of exciting short stories that unravel the veils of existence, seeking equilibrium in a universe that thrives on polarity.

Why should you embark on this literary odyssey? Here are three compelling reasons:

The Gray Zone: Life isn’t black and white; it’s a canvas of grays. Our choices define us, and sometimes salvation lies in the murkiness. Explore the shadows of morality as our protagonists confront their own shades of gray.

Free Kindle Offer: From April 8th to April 12th, my gift to you—a chance to immerse yourself in this saga without spending a dime. Kindle readers, rejoice! Download your copy and let the words weave their magic.

A Review, A Whisper: In return, I ask for a single favor: a review on Amazon. Share your thoughts, your emotions, your musings. Your words will echo through eternity, shaping the destiny of these tales.

🌟 Claim Your Copy of The Yin ~ Yang Chronicles: Living in the Gray. The Balance between Good & Evil at Amazon

Thank you, everyone, for embarking on this shared voyage.

With ink-stained gratitude,

Sheila ❣️

Celebrating 500 Posts: A Journey from the Paranormal to Wellness with Sheila 

“From Ectoplasm to Enlightenment: My Website’s Metamorphosis”

Year: 2012/ The Ghostly Genesis

Back in 2012, I embarked on a digital odyssey—a humble website that would soon become my canvas for exploration. Little did I know that this virtual space would be my conduit to realms beyond the mundane.

My site became my sanctuary—a place where the curious congregated. We delved into the enigmatic, dissecting EVPs, deciphering cryptic symbols, and chasing after elusive apparitions. My site thrived on the intersection of spirit and science, beliefs and skepticism. It was a haven for the cosmic wanderers, the seekers of the unseen.

500 Posts: A Journey Through the Veil

Fast-forward to today, and my website boasts 500 posts—each a testament to my insatiable hunger for knowledge. But these aren’t just ordinary articles; they’re fragments of my soul, etched in pixels and HTML. Let me take you on a spectral tour of my metamorphosis:

The Paranormal Chronicles:

My early posts were steeped in ectoplasmic intrigue. I shared EVP recordings, and debated the existence of shadow beings. The veil between worlds was thin, and I reveled in its mysteries.

The Whispering Winds of Change:

As the years passed, I felt a shift—a cosmic nudge urging me toward new horizons. The paranormal, once my muse, began to fade like a ghostly apparition at dawn. I yearned for more—a deeper purpose.

My Awakening:

The time had come for my resonation with cosmic vibrations. I shed my spectral pseudonym and stepped into the light. Sheila wasn’t just a name; I became a vessel—an embodiment of transformation.

Wellness with Sheila:

My website underwent an alchemical transformation. The paranormal archives receded, replaced by yoga, mindfulness, and holistic health. Wellness with Sheila emerged—a sanctuary for soul seekers, a refuge for those yearning to align mind, body, and spirit.

The Cosmic Curriculum: What You’ll Find Today

Yoga Sessions: From sun salutations to moonlit flows, I guide you through asanas that awaken your chakras.

Mindfulness Coaching: Dive into the stillness within. Learn to breathe, observe, and embrace the present moment.

Holistic Health: Nourish your body with plant-based recipes, herbal remedies, and ancient wisdom.

Conclusion: Beyond the Veil

As I pen my 500th post (actually this one is my 501st post ☺️), I honor the spectral whispers that birthed my siteIt was here, in the twilight of the paranormal, that I glimpsed eternity. And now, as Wellness with Sheila, I invite you to dance with the cosmos—to awaken the universe within.

I want to thank you all for being part of this cosmic journey!

And as a huge thank you for always being there for me, I am giving away free copies of my newly released kindle book, The Yin Yang Chronicles: Living in the Gray. The Balance between Good & Evil

My special gift to each of you will be available starting tomorrow, April 8th – April 12th. So, for five days my book, The Yin Yang Chronicles: Living in the Gray. The Balance between Good & Evil will be FREE on Amazon!!

All I ask in return is an honest review on Amazon. Thank you so much for all your positive vibes and love! You are amazing!! 

Wellness with Sheila: Where the mundane meets the mystical.

Remember, my dear friends, the veil is thin, and the universe awaits!

With Love, Light & Gratitude,

~ Sheila ❣️

The Yin ~ Yang Chronicles: Living in the Gray. The balance between Good & Evil

The Yin ~ Yang Chronicles: Living in the Gray. The balance between Good & Evil, my new book is out! Super excited! Here’s where you can get the Kindle edition available on Amazon!

In the quiet corners of existence, where light and shadow entwine, I found my muse—the delicate dance of yin and yang. It was there, amidst the whispers of forgotten realms, that the tapestry of my life began to unravel, revealing threads of hope, fear, and the eternal struggle between good and evil.

The Yin ~ Yang Chronicles: Living in the Gray. The Balance between Good & Evil emerged from this cosmic dance, a collection of stories that beckon readers to explore the edges of existence. As I put pen to paper, I wove together fragments of dreams and nightmares, creating a mirror that reflects both salvation and damnation.

Within the Pages of Yin

Hope blossoms like fragile petals in the moonlight. Each story in Yin invites you to step beyond the mundane, to embrace the ethereal whispers of possibility. Here, the abyss is not merely a void; it is a chalice of potential. As dreamers, we sip from its elixir of longing, our hearts daring to reach for brighter dawns.

In the quietude of ancient forests, a lost soul encounters a spectral guardian—a bridge between realms. In the flicker of candlelight, a forbidden love blooms, defying the boundaries of life and death. And within the ink-stained pages of forgotten grimoires, secrets unravel, revealing paths to hidden truths.

The Shadows of Yang

But as light casts its hopeful glow, shadows deepen. Yang takes us into the abyssal depths, where nightmares fester and secrets coil like serpents. Here, fear wears many faces—a haunting melody, a cursed artifact, a forbidden pact. These are the stories that delve into the heart of darkness, where the line between hero and villain blurs.

In the moon-lit streets of a hopeless city, a fallen deity grapples with its own existence, questioning the nature of good and evil. In the desolate wastelands, a lone wanderer confronts a malevolent force that feeds on despair. And within the minds of fractured souls, battles rage—a cosmic tug-of-war between redemption and destruction.

Dancing on the Edge of Duality

As you turn these pages, remember that life is a delicate balance. We teeter on the precipice, our footsteps echoing across the chasm. The abyss is our mirror—a reflection of hopes and terrors. Dare to unlock its mysteries, for within lies the essence of our humanity.

The Yin ~ Yang Chronicles: Living in the Gray. The balance between Good & Evil is not just a book; it is an invitation. An invitation to explore the gray spaces, where contradictions merge, and where salvation and damnation intertwine. As you read the Kindle edition, know that you are reading a piece of my soul—a testament to the eternal dance of light and shadow.

The Yin ~ Yang Chronicles: Living in the Gray. The balance between Good & Evil by Sheila Renee Broadway. Kindle edition available on Amazon!

Sharing some social media LOVE!! ❣️

Hey everyone, just wanted to throw a shout out to you all because you’re all so awesome!!

It’s a cold, rainy day here on the Gulf Coast in Alabama, but ya know what?! Life’s still beautiful!!

If you’re on Facebook or Twitter (still can’t get used to calling the latter “X”… ), let’s connect there as well! Would love to see and interact with your fun posts!!

Find me on Facebook at

And Twitter at @SheilaRParker

Oh… And the release date of my next book’s publication is in the works! It’s a combination of short stories that intertwine with the dark and light of the world… horror and “not-so” horror stories… Wait, what does that even mean?! Lol… No spoilers… you’re gonna have to stay tuned! Super excited!!!

~Sheila 💋

Coming Out Of The Broom Closet

Not necessarily an easy thing to do for a witch. Well, at least not for me. I was raised as a Baptist. When I was little, we went to church on Sundays and Wednesdays. We also attended other church related events and gatherings like Vacation Bible School and holiday celebrations. I was even in the church choir. Everyone was always extremely welcoming and full of love, however that was never enough. Why I say this is because while growing up, my curiosity always had the best of me. I would often question things about religion and the reply I got every time was, “Never question God.”. No disrespect to the ones who told me that, but their answer never satisfied me. It actually troubled me because I wanted to know more. I’ve always been extremely inquisitive about life in general. So, when I was told “Never question God”, that made me want to question all the more.

As I got older, and upon doing my own research, I discovered there was so much more than what I was lead to believe as a child. Keep in mind, I am not trying to dance on anyone’s toes or show any kind of disrespect to anyone’s beliefs. I am merely speaking on my own personal behalf and what it was like for me. But after years and years of going through life feeling unfulfilled with my faith, I finally came to a point in my life when I stopped listening to certain popular beliefs that made me feel uncertain and them trying to fulfill their need to “save me”.

Wait…. Save me? Save me from what? I don’t need saving just because I don’t believe like them. And I am not going to Hell because of my choice. I no longer follow the path to which I was raised, meaning that of course, I am not a Christian. I am a Wiccan, a solitary practitioner. I do not belong in a coven (and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that for those who do). I follow my own heart, my own path. I love being at one with nature and embracing all its magic. I communicate with the Angels, listen to my Spirit Guides and try my very best to live at peace with all the beautiful energies of the Universe.

A few summers ago, a young individual tried to convert me. She was on a missionary trip that lasted several weeks to help spread the word of Christ. While doing so, she and her group were seasonally employed at the same place where I worked. One day she asked me about my faith, so I openly told her about it. And then, as time went on, she tried to persuade me to listen to her as she attempted to make me change my belief. I asked her very calmly, “Why are you trying to do this?”. She replied, “Because I’m worried for your soul. I don’t want you to go to Hell.”

Honestly, I could see the concern in her eyes. She was such a kind and bright young lady, just a little naive was all. When she said that she was worried for my soul I told her, “No need to be worried because I’m not. I feel that I’m following the right path for me just as you are in your belief. As long as we all follow what is right and what is good, isn’t that what really matters? What defines your belief doesn’t define mine. Just because I don’t follow your path doesn’t mean I’m going to Hell.” That made her quiet for a moment as she pondered, looking into my eyes. I continued (again, very calmly and politely), “Honey, you’re wasting your breath with me.” I then put my arms around her to give her a great big hug and told her that I loved her because after all, she was such a sweetheart and a complete joy to work with.

It’s only been within the past few years that I’ve found the courage to speak openly about coming out of the broom closet. Why? Well, because of my upbringing and the societal fear about witches. (Wiccaphobia: the fear of witches or witchcraft.) Throughout the centuries, and thanks to Hollywood’s constant misleading portrayal, it’s easy to understand why people fear us. However, it is ignorance that keeps people in the dark. That’s why I now openly talk about being a Wiccan in hope to help educate others and let them know that we are nothing to be afraid of. I can only speak personally on my behalf because I know how I am with my spiritual journey and the fact is that I only practice white magic. I negate anything that is dark, negative and/ or evil. I stand proudly and firm with my beliefs and if anything of the latter ever tried to gain control over me, I would quickly call upon the Angels, my Spirit Guides and the positive energies of the Universe for white light protection. Trust me, I do not follow the dark arts. I promote, protect and project only and all that is good. As I always say, “Love & Light!” and I mean that with all my heart!

Several years back I wrote a previous article about another encounter that I had with a “bible handler” going door to door. Here’s that article titled, “Ignorance is Bliss”…. or is it just annoying?

Keep it real, people and never be afraid to be yourself! You are loved!! AND…. YOU TOTALLY ROCK!!!

Love & Light! ~ Sheila 💋

Promote Love – Not Hate!

Happy Monday, everyone!! It has been far too long since my last post back in February! Hope you all have been well during this pandemic. What a crazy time we are in….. Phew!

With that being said, just a simple reminder as I write this post that each and every single one of you are so very important. You rock in your own unique way! Life really is a blessing. Even though there are times that we go through that may seem otherwise, we need to remind ourselves that those moments, as difficult as they can be, can be used as catalysts to make us stronger. Trust me, I know from experience. I’m not always smiles and positive vibes. However, I do try my very best to promote “feel good energy”. 🙂

We all have our darkness and that’s perfectly ok. As long as we are constructive with our emotions and never destructive. We must construct learning experiences and grow from them, rising ever so high and graciously like the soaring Phoenixes that we all are!!

Remember when you look in the mirror…. you are looking at someone amazing! There is an insurmountable greatness within you! The ability that you have to achieve your dreams is something phenomenal! Anything is possible and you own the key to your future, no one else does. Let no one ever dim the light that resides deep within your beautiful heart. Shine your magnificence for all the world to see!!!

With all the negativity that’s out there, let’s negate those bad, nasty vibes by overcoming adversity. Stand tall, shoulders back with heads held high. Inhale a deep, engaging breath in through the nose… hold for a count of five…. then slowly exhale that breath out through the mouth. Continue that simple breathing technique periodically as you carry out your day. And guess what?! You’ve got this!!!! Go on with your awesome self!!! Rock those positive vibes! Love yourself and love others! Promote Love – Not Hate!


Massive Love & Light! ~ Sheila ❤



Sheila Renee Parker ~ Author. Artist. Empath.





LOVE HANDMADE JEWELRY? Then what are you waiting for?? Check us out!! :)

Created with love, our beautiful jewelry is handmade with carefully selected natural stones and glass beads. The gemstones that are incorporated into our pieces are chosen not only for their beauty, but for their deep, inspiring benefits as well. As for many of you know, natural stones are wonderful conduits that can help us all obtain a greater level of self-awareness. Whether it’s to assist us on our daily journeys, to help us reach better health, better mentality or a better sense of peace and well being. Natural stones have such a magnificent power that Clay and I want to help you, the wearer, incorporate them into your lives. Together, my husband and I design bracelets, necklaces, earrings, rings and so much more!

Our mission is to help you bring forth your inner light while you embrace your sense of empowerment, assisting you with the look of greatness while your destiny unfolds into something phenomenal!

Feel the Magic.
Manifest the Dream.
Be the Reality!

Always stay blessed…. Love & Light!!! ~ Sheila & Clay Parker

Find our beautifully handmade jewelry at CSParkerJewelry on Etsy at….. CSParkerJewelry on Etsy! (Handmade Jewelry. Natural Stones. Glass Beads.)

Flowing with those beautiful positive vibes!!

Hey, hey, hey all you amazing people!! Happy Friday and Happy Weekend to you all! It’s been quite a while since my last post, but wanted to drop by to wish everyone well. Whatever your plans are for the upcoming days, make sure that they are full of all the wondrous possibilities that life has to offer. Why?? Because YOU are worth it!! Help spread those beautiful positive vibes and pay that gorgeous smile forward! Remember, even the most minute act of kindness can mean volumes to someone who needs it!


Love & Light, my friends!! ❤


~ Sheila





CSParkerJewelry on Etsy!  (Handmade Jewelry. Natural Stones. Glass Beads.)

Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at:

~ Sheila Renee Parker on YouTube: Sheila Renee Parker





I Am A Witch……

I am a Witch, I do not hide.

A path I follow with great pride.

Love and Light I share thee well,

with intent cast in spell.

My heart is true, I do not lie

’tis can see with thine eye.

My Spirit runs deep by the Power of Three.

An’ it harm none…. so mote it be!



~ Poem by Sheila Renee Parker



I wrote the above poem about my own spirituality inspired by the wonderful season of Yule. However you spend this precious time of year, stay blessed and enjoy!


~ Love & Light, Sheila ❤





CSParkerJewelry on Etsy!  (Handmade Jewelry. Natural Stones. Glass Beads.)

Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Instagram: @sheilareneeparker

~ Art by Sheila Renee Parker available at:

~ Sheila Renee Parker on YouTube: Sheila Renee Parker