The Yin ~ Yang Chronicles: Living in the Gray. The Balance between Good & Evil.

Hi everyone,

Allow me to share a glimpse into my soul—a journey that transcends mere ink on paper. “The Yin ~ Yang Chronicles: Living in the Gray. The Balance between Good & Evil” is my heart’s symphony, a dance between light and shadow, virtue and vice. Within these pages, you’ll find a tapestry woven from threads of mystery, redemption, and the delicate balance between Good and Evil.

As the author, I’ve poured my essence into every page, crafting characters who grapple with their inner demons while navigating a world teetering on the precipice. This is a book full of exciting short stories that unravel the veils of existence, seeking equilibrium in a universe that thrives on polarity.

Why should you embark on this literary odyssey? Here are three compelling reasons:

The Gray Zone: Life isn’t black and white; it’s a canvas of grays. Our choices define us, and sometimes salvation lies in the murkiness. Explore the shadows of morality as our protagonists confront their own shades of gray.

Free Kindle Offer: From April 8th to April 12th, my gift to you—a chance to immerse yourself in this saga without spending a dime. Kindle readers, rejoice! Download your copy and let the words weave their magic.

A Review, A Whisper: In return, I ask for a single favor: a review on Amazon. Share your thoughts, your emotions, your musings. Your words will echo through eternity, shaping the destiny of these tales.

🌟 Claim Your Copy of The Yin ~ Yang Chronicles: Living in the Gray. The Balance between Good & Evil at Amazon

Thank you, everyone, for embarking on this shared voyage.

With ink-stained gratitude,

Sheila ❣️

“Yin & Yang’s Convergence”

“Live the light, love the dark and embrace everything in between.” ~ Sheila Renee Parker


A way of life that I openly talk about. To “live the light” (as in my above quote) I’m simply referring to living a life doing what feels right deep within the heart. To harm none, including oneself, and live a good life.

When I say, “love the dark”, I mean to acknowledge that which is often misunderstood. “And embrace everything in between” refers to being open-minded about the paramount existence of both, light and dark.

The below painting is my most recent one titled, “Yin & Yang’s Convergence”. I personified both Yin and Yang to demonstrate their intimate bond, for even they know how important they are to each other.



Get a copy of my novel, The Spirit Within on Amazon!

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Twitter: @sheilarparker.

~ Sheila Renee Parker on Facebook: Sheila Renee Parker – Author



Yin & Yang's Convergence

(“Yin & Yang’s Convergence”. A watercolor painting by Sheila Renee Parker)